Why is Diffe-Hellman Key Exchange secure?
Let’s analyze security from different perspectives:
What Does an Outsider See?
Observes , but doesn’t know
Since an outsider only knows and , to derive the shared secret requires either or . Unfortunately, from Discrete Logarithm Problem (link to previous chapter), it is very hard to obtain from . The same hardness applies when we try to obtain from
Can Alice Learn Bob’s Private Value?
Alice knows , let's explore why she cannot derive which is Bob's private value on her own.
- If she tries to derive either from , this is basically Discrete Logarithm Problem (Link to previous chapter) which is again very hard.
What if she tries to derive b from and , is that easy to do? If not, explain why.
Can Bob Learn Alice’s Private Value?
Similarly, Bob knows but again cannot derive either from or from and due to Discrete Logarithm Problem.
We already see from above that it's hard to derive or through equation, however, wouldn't it be possible for the outsider or Alice and Bob to just guess the private value and brute-force to see if it fits.